

 இங்கிருந்தால் அங்கிருக்கும்! அங்கிருந்தால் இங்கிருக்கும் ! எங்கி ருந்தால் எங்கிருக்கும் ? ஏக்கங்கள் கூடியிருக்கும் அங்கங்கே  அண்டி இருக்கும்  ஆர்வமும் சேர்ந்திருக்கும்


 Not written for years Now return with tears Outside  calm Inside storm What makes us  What takes us  Where we go Where we stay How we live Why they give Endless queries Ingrained worries 

Reading relieves

 Some years ago Sahitya Academy arranged a book exhibition at Chamber of Commerce. Among others my attention was drawn to the english section. My wish list included 'Contemporary Indian Short Stories '.  With the initial zeal I started reading the series 1, consisting of 15 short stories right from Bengali, concluding Urdu story, all prominent writers of India. Idid finish them but as a practice not written down my views at the end  of the book,this time , may be by negligence or it may occasion for re reading ,whenever I crave or situation necessitates. Such a context ensued in 2019. My reflection goes like this.  "like a student preparing for exam, I perused and finished.It contained different angles of life and situations of humanity.Leaves one to imbibe and engross in the varied settings, the characters have undergone.Sometimes, awakens spirits, help fathom the meaning of life and comprehend clearly, though times have rolled on pushing to travel without one's des...
Status of Prisons and their Reformative Role. The Prison System as the Police is a legacy and continuation of the Colonial content  .Some tinkering then and there have been carried out by the Governments on adhoc basis.A major over haul and reformation are still elusive. Recommendations for Jail Reforms are pending for acceptance for decades with the Government. The tier-system of jails: sub-jails, District Jails and Central Jails do not have adequate facilities and infrastructure commensurate with the Prison population.The Personnel are from psychological point of view regard themselves as an extension of the police force. The convicts lodged in prison have to be treated as patients referred/admitted to hospital for treatment and care. The Theories of Criminology speak volumes about the idea behind punishment.From a holistic point Prison are meant for redemption and reform. In practice they act as centre for hardening criminal and in most cases the tendency to form grou...
Traffic and Pedestrian Rights It is an open secret that the traffic situation in Puducherry is chaotic.The National Data for road accidents place the Territory in higher risk category. Given it's demography and extent of territory the number of vehicles plying on the road is disproportionate and unmatching. History records that the Territory  consisted of a good number of villages in the past.  Over a period of time , the Rulers conceived and  planned the Town as a City, like the one at Chandigarh.Bullock Carts , Carts drawn by other animals, hand drawn carts etc.,  i.e. indigenous type of means of transport were opersted widely and used in tandem with the environment and size of the Region without causing traffic snarl and pollution. The population was also manageable and their preference was walking.It was the favourite means of movement. People carried  on their day to day routine and undertook pilgrimage and other avocations of daily life without emba...
Boating and Lakes in Puducherry ! Knowledgeable people in Puducherry know about the Lakes in the Region and their water source.About 86 Lakes found in the Union Territory. They are fed by river flows from Tamilnadu. Catchment areas are only in the neighbouring State. Traditionally inland fisherman occupation dependent on these Waterbodies and local back waters. Hand nets and spread nets, sometimes called fan nuts have been used in the past and whenever they brim with the flow. Other lifeforms,  aquatic and birds have their livelihood and life support from the lakes. Catamarans also used rarely and sparingly not affecting or disrupting the Waterbodies. Without giving serious thought about the  precarious conditioning  of lakes at present and the disappearance of feeder channel or encroachment committed by Medical Colleges,  Engineering Colleges,  Industries , Recreational activities and Hotels, the well thought out and laid structures for collection of...
 Slackness in Ground Water Management in Puducherry. Recently the print media and visual media in Puducherry published / broadcast news about the visit of the Lieutenant Governor along with officers drawn from different Departments at K.V.Textile - the newly opened Stores near Ellaipillaichavady. The Governor on inspection found traffic congestion in the absence of adequate parking space provided by the Shop.Tube well dug without permission and Planning Authority's Permission not obtained for the Construction.Works even were in non-completion. The Shop was ordered closure and the premises sealed. There are numerous points of contention. 1.Whether all constructions are approved by PPA? 2.Whether the Ground Water Authority gives permission for tapping and using ground water for domestic/commercial purposes? 3.Whether the Traffic Police gives permission ? 4.Whether the Municipality accords permission? Are these Departments and others exercising supervisory functions and o...