Supreme Court's recent hold on O.B.C.reservation of 27% in higher educational institutions has once again created a nation wide furore among the students.As a student of sociology,I understand that the reservation in respect of the backward class in central government jobs and educational institutions has been deprived since 1950. The first Back Ward Class Commission chaired by Kala kalekar gave its Report to the Nehru Government, but added a Note that He is not in favour of providing any kind of reservation to OBCS.The first blow was meted out to the backward class by the then Home Minister Mr.Sardar Vallabhai Patel and the Prime minister,when they were not interested in tabling the COMMISSION'S REPORT in the PARLIAMENT.In 1961, on a personal level Nehru opposed to the reservation to obcs principally. While Janata came to power after the defeat of the CONGRESS at the Centre,the Government headed by Mr.Moraji Desai appointed the Mandal Commission.It gave its Report,one of the f...