Martyr's Day
Martyr's Day Remembering the tragic death of M.K. Gandhi on every 30th January and observing it as Martyr's Day by all have become a mere ritual.Those who opposed to the ideas of peaceful co-existence of Hindus and Muslims and other faiths also gather on the day.It is sheer pretension and hypocrisy. we have had enough words spoken.What we require deeds to match manifest action on the ground upholding practice is the need of the hour.The necessity is now a felt need as the people who started the politics of hatred with the bullet by finishing Mahatma are in the portals of power and continuing their agenda with impunity against all sections of democratic and secular forces opposed to their ideals.As civil society having faith and allegiance to the democratic and secular fabric of the Indian society will have to indicate and isolate such forces and do not allow them to take part in the Day.There shall be no compromise with such regressive forces and have to resist their ideo...