Politics Of "Bandh"

"Bandh" or closure of shops, establishments, stoppage of transport systems, in support of the Charter of demands of the Political Parties, during the week alternately, is not appreciated well by the people, barring the protoganists and activists of the political parties and their leaders.

when I enquired one of the staunch followers of the co-ordination committee, about the cause for the closure call, he was not clear, except that his boss directed him to make the show a success. Even the establishment people, shopkeepers, who have downed the shutters and the transporters ,who have grounded the vehicle, have understood to have obliged, fearing reprisals and violent attacks from the goons of the organisers of the Bandh.It is not their show of solidarity or support for the day.

Further, we hear from the people that these political parties, who all along been towing to the lines of the Ruler in secret or shady deals and lying low, have surfaced now and projecting their existence, keeping an eye on the Assembly Election for the next year.

Analysing the people's view points, the meaning and necessity of the "Bandh" has not gone well even to the cadres of the Political Parties, apart the public. Whereas, the darker side or the negative aspect of the closure politics have reached all and sundry.

Only the minority are committed to such agitational politics. Even the unorganised workers ,who eke out their living on daily wages are tired of closure. If we closely monitor their movements, the true picture may emerge. The shop owners, merchants, grocers and other traders openly vent their grouses and grievances. Even the pedlars and hawkers do not hold their tongues.

The parties ,which openly supported and permitted opening up of private educational institutions for extraneous considerations, while they were in power, now shed crocodile tears, as saviour of students. The polemics of politics staged by these turncoats, have to be understood appropriately and in the right pespective. Further, their approaches and attidudes have to be critically examined and assessed from the point of welfare the people at the lower-ebb of the society.

In an LPG era almost all the political streams are openly declaring their support for the privatisation and commercialisation of education . Even they have esatblished their own business by making investment of crores of rupees in setting up of Engineering colleges and Medical Collleges within the State and in neighbouring States. Some have transcended the borders and have assumed the character of National Commercial Capitalists, though they proclaim themselves as prophets of State Autonomy and advocates of Tamil Nationalism.

So, we are not opposed to closure or "Bandh" per se. But, the motive and objective of such direct action, should be centred on the larger sphere of the oppressed and suppressed people of the State. Besides, there should be no compromise on the pretext of tactical move by the parties, in aligning with the political or social organisations or formations that are diametrically opposed to the people's politics and indulging in agitation opposing the lower rungs of the Society.


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