Politicising the election of the President
As one understands, so far, a candidate from the South, is nominated to the election of the highest office in India. In order to strike a balance this has been, i think, has been adopted till last time.But, what considerations have been examined in deciding the choice of the presidential candidate now is not known. Though the reasons came out in the media seems justifiable, the inner confabulations could not be clearly understood.The last minute parleys and projection by the 'third formation' is a late affair. Even the B.J.P's overture to drop Shekhawat in favour of A.P.J.Kalam is a delayed thinking.While the opinion of the people is for a people-friendly President as a candidate for the second term, the formations of whatever hue should have seized the opprtunity before hand instead of the last minute effort to convince the President for a second term.
The President is categorical in asserting on Saturday," it is not apolitical process when we elect a President.I do not want to become a party to a political process........" During his tenure he has set new standards, particularly, the accessability he provided to people of different walks of life to the Bhawan is unparalleled in the annals of the history of the President in India.
Simplicity, emphasis on moral values and ethos of the Nation to one and all will ever be remembered by the younger generation in the years to come. As a teacher from the remote South he has made us remember the time tested legacy of values that has become the 'lost dollar'in Indian Polity.
The President is categorical in asserting on Saturday," it is not apolitical process when we elect a President.I do not want to become a party to a political process........" During his tenure he has set new standards, particularly, the accessability he provided to people of different walks of life to the Bhawan is unparalleled in the annals of the history of the President in India.
Simplicity, emphasis on moral values and ethos of the Nation to one and all will ever be remembered by the younger generation in the years to come. As a teacher from the remote South he has made us remember the time tested legacy of values that has become the 'lost dollar'in Indian Polity.