Cut-Off Year For MBCS and OBCS In Puducherry-1

The Puducherrians, may, aware that the issue of determination of the crucial date for determination of origin or migrant Scheduled Caste has once for all settled, after the publication of the Government Order Vide G.O.MS.No.11/2005/Wel(SCW ii) Dt. 5, August, 2005.Though the Constitution(Pondicherry) Scheduled Caste Order, 1964 was effective from 23,October, 1964, the migrants in the Scheduled Caste,particularly from Tamil Nadu, on a large scale, usurped the facilitis in the appointment in Government Services in Group 'C' and group'D' posts, besides enjoying the facilities in education available for the local population.

There has been struggles and counter struggles for almost decades. Finally, the Supreme Court Of India (Bench) by its order Dated 11, february, 2005, in the Appeal Case(Civil) filed by the Petitioner Viz. S.Pushpa and Others vs. Sivachounmougavelu and Others delivered its Judgement in favour of the Scheduled caste Origins of the Union Territory of Pondicherry in the matter of continuation of reservation benefits for admission in all educational institutions and welfare measures and extension of reservation benefits to Group'C' and 'D' posts in Government Service.

In the case of Backward class, there has been no determination of crucial date of origin. The Backward class people from Tamil Nadu since long has migrated to the Territory and enjoying the benefits, facilities and other priviliges, pushing down the prospects and development of the people of the origin.The situation in other enclaves is similar.Keralites enter Mahe;Telugus infiltrate Yanam and Tanjoreans and others in Tamil Nadu mix and mingle. The very purpose of Regional Reservation aimed at developing the Weaker Sections of society did not go in the right direction. The people, who wielded power were mostly from the oppressing class.They consciously delayed the implementation of the reaervation for backward class for nearly four decdes in the State.

Only for the last three years in education and in government services,the Most Back ward clas people are enjoying the benefits. But the in-built problem of the migration issue has not been tackled by the Administration, though the case of the Scheduled caste is now settled once for all.

Though the palliatives suggested and implemented by the Revenue Authority in the matter of issue of Permanent Community certificate is going to affect the Backward class irreparably. Already, in the sphere of education and government services, much damage has been caused to them by the migrants. Even the allocation welfare benefits also filled the stomach of the 'invaders', leaving the origin to fend for themselves is quite strange and grossly irregular. I do not say that much is wrong with the government. It is the lack of awareness and alertnes in asserting their rights.

The people's representatives elected by the votes of these people also, mostly, come from outside. Basically they preach secularism and other passionate remarks for their survival. At the ground level, they unitedly scuttle all moves for dispensing justice.The Backward Class Commission also have not decided the migration issue, since most of them are novices to the philosophy and shy favour the origins. They are strangers to the idea of reservation and do not have inclination on the subject.

There has been no spirited and consistent endeavour, even among the so called educated Backward Class in pressurising the State and determining the cut-off year for the OBCs and MBCs of Puduchery origin.

It is already a lost battle and the backward clas is yet to awake from its 'legendary dormancy'.


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