
Showing posts from December, 2007

"Modernise Police"

This has reference to the editorial, "Modernise Police". There shall be no second opinion on the need to improve the training and performance of the Indian Police Service at the Center and the States.While doing so, the Governments shall keep in mind of the Supreme Court Judgment delivered on Police Reform in September 2006, which directed Governments to set up Independent Police Complaint Authorities composed of members selected through a transparent process and with binding powers to look into serious complaints against the Police.Further the National Police Commission in its eighth report recommended 'protection available to police officers should be withdrawn under Section 132 and 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which provide protection to various categories of Public Servants from prosecution for acts they commit in the course of performing their duties' 'Social Policing' and Indianisation of the force, are the expected cultures, apart from maintenan...

"Where are we going wrong?

From: muthusamy muthukannu Date: Dec 18, 2007 7:18 PM Subject: Where are we going wrong? 17th December To:,, Sir, This has reference to "Where are we going wrong? posted by Kuldip Nayar, on 17th instant. I totally agree with the views of the author that religion and politics are not to be mixed. But the usage of the word 'pariah' to refer outcast-Muslims in the Gujarat context has irked us.The particular connotation is a Tamil word, meaning' one of people of very low caste in South India'.The word used widely as a slang to segregate the Dalits and as untouchables,in society, should not have been used comparatively to refer the treatment meted out to Muslims in Gujarat. The author may aware the omnipresent caste divide and the experiment the fundamentalists had carried out in the State and turned the Adivasis and Dalits against the Muslims in 2002. The usage of the word may also send wrong signal...


We are reminded of the Day , by the Advertisement in the Media i.e.10th December, as usual. The HUMAN RIGHTS C OMMITTEE, PUDUCHERRY publishes the TEN Prescriptions made in the D.K.BASU'S CASE by the High Court of the West Bengal to the police force in the country for conscious adoption while effecting arrest.It has been made as a custom by the establishment to commemorate the day in the news paper. Given the raising criminal record and alleged police criminal nexus reported from all the quarters.Especially the suicide cases inside the Central prison and the simmering discontent among inmates; from under trials have not been addressed by the committee.Its continued low profile in dealing with the cases of Medical Negligence; children abuse and other Human Rights issues are grave concerns. The Government of India, though have enacted the Human Rights Act, still not constituted the Human Rights courts exclusively to deal with Human rights Cases. The situation in Puducherry is ...


Recent demonstration by Tamils in Malaysia for assertion of their deprived rights. More particularly of the right to profess religion, especially after their Government bulldozing the temples of worship is dealt with by force by the Government, has invited widespread condemna tion and protest from the world community. The Tamilnadu Chief Minister led the protest.Later Indian Administration also registered its displeasure openly and formally through the diplomatic channels. Among the Indians, the Tamils constitute a majority and had suffered heavily at the hands of the colonial master-the English, in the plantations.Their plight even drew the attention of the poet Bharathi along with other tamils subjugated in other colonies as wage labourers in taming the plantations.The untold sufferings and misery they underwent during the world wars could not be forgotten. Now for the deprivation and privation endured under the British, they are demanding adequate compensation from the Government of...