Recent demonstration by Tamils in Malaysia for assertion of their deprived rights. More particularly of the right to profess religion, especially after their Government bulldozing the temples of worship is dealt with by force by the Government, has invited widespread condemna tion and protest from the world community. The Tamilnadu Chief Minister led the protest.Later Indian Administration also registered its displeasure openly and formally through the diplomatic channels.
Among the Indians, the Tamils constitute a majority and had suffered heavily at the hands of the colonial master-the English, in the plantations.Their plight even drew the attention of the poet Bharathi along with other tamils subjugated in other colonies as wage labourers in taming the plantations.The untold sufferings and misery they underwent during the world wars could not be forgotten.
Now for the deprivation and privation endured under the British, they are demanding adequate compensation from the Government of England. Democratic form of agitation after unheard grievances is not against law and decency.Attacking the peaceful marchers with disproportianate force on the streets, wounding them and arresting has exhibited its intolerance and scant regard for Civil And Democratic Rights.
Instead of inviting them for discussion and entering into meaningful dialogue for settlement of the demands, started intimidation by arrestin the protestors on trumped of charges.Even gone to the extend of bullying them to arrest under the National Security Act.
The Prime Minister of that country issuing a statement that the Malay-Indians are in alliance with the L.T.T.E. and the R.S.S. in fomenting troubles is shifting the onus and indirectly justifying their stand on the unwarranted crackdown against more than 10,000 strong Indians.
The International Community, including the U.N.O. and Commom Wealth should oppose the destruction of the places of worship of any faith and flagarant violation of secular values so far established in that country apart from the recognition of the rights of other Races, including the chinese, to continue to live in mutual trust and harmony with the rights to freedom of Religion, civil and democratic rights and the rights to dissent.
Atttempts to establish a Theocratic State in any part of the Globe, without mutual respect for other minorities within the State would spell disaster as we are witnessing such fissiparous tendencies around causing turmoil and turbulence.Let us assert the rule of compassion and respect for other rights will be our 'Pole Star' and 'Goal Post'
Among the Indians, the Tamils constitute a majority and had suffered heavily at the hands of the colonial master-the English, in the plantations.Their plight even drew the attention of the poet Bharathi along with other tamils subjugated in other colonies as wage labourers in taming the plantations.The untold sufferings and misery they underwent during the world wars could not be forgotten.
Now for the deprivation and privation endured under the British, they are demanding adequate compensation from the Government of England. Democratic form of agitation after unheard grievances is not against law and decency.Attacking the peaceful marchers with disproportianate force on the streets, wounding them and arresting has exhibited its intolerance and scant regard for Civil And Democratic Rights.
Instead of inviting them for discussion and entering into meaningful dialogue for settlement of the demands, started intimidation by arrestin the protestors on trumped of charges.Even gone to the extend of bullying them to arrest under the National Security Act.
The Prime Minister of that country issuing a statement that the Malay-Indians are in alliance with the L.T.T.E. and the R.S.S. in fomenting troubles is shifting the onus and indirectly justifying their stand on the unwarranted crackdown against more than 10,000 strong Indians.
The International Community, including the U.N.O. and Commom Wealth should oppose the destruction of the places of worship of any faith and flagarant violation of secular values so far established in that country apart from the recognition of the rights of other Races, including the chinese, to continue to live in mutual trust and harmony with the rights to freedom of Religion, civil and democratic rights and the rights to dissent.
Atttempts to establish a Theocratic State in any part of the Globe, without mutual respect for other minorities within the State would spell disaster as we are witnessing such fissiparous tendencies around causing turmoil and turbulence.Let us assert the rule of compassion and respect for other rights will be our 'Pole Star' and 'Goal Post'