This is with regard to the editorial, "Organ racket" dated 31st,January 2008. It is not only organ racket but organized racket.Every time when it is exposed, eyebrows are raised, statements are issued Nationally and notionally.The Governments,be it the Tamil Nadu or the popular Uttar Pradesh do act temporarily and highlight achievements of the Police in filing cases against the mafia- who are supposed to be educated and belonged to creamy layers of the Society.What is lacking is the identification of the basic issues involved and preventive measures adopted by the States in arresting the menace and averting the dangers, to which the hapless poor fisher folk in Chennai in the past after tsunami struck were exposed. And now it is the turn of notorious Gurgaon , whether it is butchering of children for big-bucks or for oppressing the legitimate struggle of the working class in Hyundai, or still the high pitch sale in Human Organs in the garb of the much touted Medical Tourism, it has come to stay as a "centre par excellence" in the annals of Independent India. It is very rightly hit when it is said that," some of its citizens are so impoverished that they are forced to sell one part of their body to fill another part". This trend is a National shame. Any amount of rosy picture drawn about the booming economy is not certainly going to offset the tragedy befallen on helpless victims and infirm people living in the lower ebb of the Society.

Yours faithfully,

31,January, 2008


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