People in Puducherry, of late, have fed up with the functioning of Ministry in the State. They criticize the groupings and partisan way of functioning of Ministers. The absence of collectivism and control to the Head of the Cabinet, i.e. the Chief Minister, have been lampooned by one and all. Every day statements appearing in print media, leveling allegation against one another, smacks discipline and failure of party control over its members.

A political party that has tasted power for decades in various States and at the Center is quite unable to keep its affairs in tact and conduct the Government attending to people's problems without deviation from the constitutional mandate, imposed upon them for providing unblemished Governance.The near collapse of the Elected Representatives, in projecting their egos openly sidelined welfare of the people.

Poster-war, media hype and statements have taken the lead than the problems of people suffering from price rise, unemployment, shortage of potable water etc. Even the problems of the students in getting admission to plus one and other professional streams have not been attended to in time.While, counseling for professional courses has been under way, it is yet to take off in Puducherry.

One Medical College under the aegis of the Government started construction with much fan- fare spending crore of people's money has been shelved, on account of internecine fighting within the Ministry. Nearly 150 M.B.B.S. seats have been lost every year for the people of puducherry affecting the prospects of development in higher education. Similarly, the inauguration of the newly constructed' WOMEN AND CHILDREN HOSPITAL' has been unnecessarily delayed.

The JIPMER has enhanced the seats after implementation of reservation for O.B.Cs in higher education.Karaikal has got increase in its quota in professional education, whereas pondicherry region retains the same number of seats ,despite increase in the pass percentage of students.
The Ministers find no time to address the above issues but continue their fighting for more pelf and power.

The labor front also gives a very dim picture. Almost all industries in small scale sectors facing continuous labor problems. The Labor Department is lagging behind in resolving issues, within a time frame.The absence of adjudicating machinery and the non-posting of a Presiding Officer for Labor Tribunal since long have been cited by Unionists as total collapse of the Department.
The story of failure, if detailed, may increase the Volumes, but it is high time that the Government acts swiftly, to set its house in order. Otherwise, will be repaid suitably, in future at the hustings.


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