The attacks against workers from Bihar and others by the activists of Maharashtra Nava Nirman Sena in Mumbai are impalpable and reprehensible.Civil society for that matter will never approve of such negative tendencies and nefarious activities to be staged in any part of India, by the notorious Organization. But a deep and detailed analysis of the events of such Movements may help us understand the social psychology behind such violence.The sloganeering of the ideal of 'sons of the soil' and upholding the banner of Marathis have some basis, if we look at the other dimensions of the issues raised by them.

The cosmopolitan culture and the overall development of Mumbai, relegating the status of the people of their own state compared to others ,who have settled in the areas have irked and might have pricked their conscience.The lack of marked improvement and regional imbalance faced by the Marathis for decdes in the State, have driven them to a point of frustration and agitation that have transgressed the limits and targeted the poor workers from other parts of India.

This has precedents in Assam, Kashmir and Northern States, where people from other State, who have settled for decades and made it as their second home have been targeted.In India, we have marked developments in some States in infrastructure, while others have been left behind. The disparities in the development process forgetting the working class and other sections of society to the margins of the society have resulted in heart-burns and ill-will developing against outsiders. This tendency has been cleverly explioted by the petty politicians to suit their own political agenda.

The plight of the farmers and industrial workers have become a stark reality and in a sense have thrown out of their livelihood in the changed phase of Globalisation.Unchecked proliferation of Corporates and Tertiary Sector resulted in migration of work force from different parts of India and gained a foothold affecting the lives of the indigeneous population. In the process of development taking place in a break-neck pace, the middle class, the lower middle class and people at the lower-ebb of the State have been the worst affected. This tendency almost prevalent in the States of India also get sublimated in various forms of agitations and Maharashtra is not an exception to the Phenomenon.

The announcement to-day made by the Chief Minister, employment in private industries in the State, here after will be given to the people, who have resided for 15 years in Maharashtra goes to testify the reality that so far the people in the State have not been adequately represented in the employment.


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