Work Culture and Co-operatives

Co-operative Societies are basically member driven.The philosophy of Co-operation still languishing to take roots in the minds and spirits of members. It's history of more than a century has been directed by Governments.with mass appeal credit delivery was initially undertaken, followed by Consumer activities and etc.The Movement has grown numerically transcending geographical limits and enrolled members of 22.5 crores involving 5.5 lakhs co-operative societies in India.

Barring a few Co-operatives functioning in different States, especially Banks and Primary Agricultural cooperatives, others have not been working on sound and credible lines.The political interference in cooperatives particularly in making employment in bulk sidelining norms and reasons for their betterment have become the most arduous journey.

The primary motive of members as stakeholders have taken backseat.Employees ride on the shoulders of members and tries to control them, sometimes ill treat them.From the financial management point of view a major portion of profits are pocketed as salaries undermining their interests.While we try to explain such anomaly employeesand their trade unions get agitated and annoyed.They fail to appreciate the rationale and justification of the issue raised from all quarters.They should understand that there is much for man's need and not for man's greed.


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