Lankan situation

what has been happening for three decades and more in the Island Nation appears to be an internal affair of a country for opinion givers in the media cannot be accepted as such. A close reading of the social and political history of the Country gives clear evidences of discrimination and relentless subjugation meted out to the Tamils in the System.The unquestionable suppression and oppression suffered at the hands of the Sinhala Majority by the Tamil Citizens within the Nation at various fronts and levels and the initiative taken internally and externally to resolve the tangle through mediation have evaded resolution of the conflict for years.

The himalayan efforts taken in the past to solve the conflict by the T.U.L.F. through the democratic process sustained severe jolt and in fact received a raw deal at the hands of the Sinhala chauvinism.The Tamils patience for equality and equal opportunity also did not go well with the establishment. After exhausting the channels the Tamils had taken the problems to the international forum, including the U.N.O.

The high handed approach had driven the Country into the brink of internecine war between two Nations ,namely the Sinhalese and the Tamils ,in Sri Lanka.To blame the minority Tamils for the state of happenings in which the Tamils have been subjected to large scale displacement and losses , that cannot be quantified in terms of money.In reality, it is an unequal fight for the minority. So any judgment in a partisan way without understanding the genocide perpetrated against the Tamils, who belongs to our race , is quite exhibits once ignorance and displays lack of concern for human rights and fraternity.


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