Peaceful Co-existence.

Before the debate gets heated again in the Parliament about the Nuclear Deal on the alleged breach of privilege of the August House by the Prime Minister of India; who won and who lost. I am quite convinced, neither India nor Pakistan, wins.

The Nuclear Race has driven both the Countries in the guise of Civilian Nuclear Deal to a major competition and logically to a confrontation in the Sub-Continent. The craze for the technology has put both the Powers at the mercy of alien Powers, namely, China and U.S.A. to score political gains and enhance their commercial interests.In the process they have succeeded to some extent, in pitting arch rivals, once again, against one another.

The Civil Society in both Countries, in larger interests of the Region, shall attempt to allay fears and mutual suspicion and cause easing of nuclear tension.Of course shortage of power has been a difficult situation affecting people in the globolised economies, yet the projection of the rulers and their arguments do not provide manifold insights and entire dimensions of Nuclear Power to the people.

The onesided arguements advanced in favour of Nuclear Energy as clean and safe, relegating other reasonings putforth by Social Movements and Pacifists after witnessing the unprecedented catastrophe in Rhode Island in the U.S.A. and the Chenobyl in the erstwhile Soviet Union. The realities in the matter are camaflouged by the elite ruling class , thus driving the vechicle of the Nations to the edge of a disaster, that could not be quantified or assessed in an eventuality.In fact they are playing with the lives of millions for subjective considerations sidelining the objective realities unfold before us.

The need of the hour, requires people centred development; clean and alternative sources of energy and overall peaceful and content life with mutual trust and confidence.


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